For the past year, I've been doing a lot of painting. I've done a handful of of paintings over the last couple of years, mostly of local...

5 things I'd like to see in the Zombie Apocalypse
With Fear the Walking Dead premiering this month, everyone has to be wondering what new plot twists we’re going to see. Same Zombie...

The Client from Hell
I guess this falls under the heading of "more things you should never say to a graphic designer," but there's a very popular website for...

Vintage Produce Labels - An Antique Art Form
The rise of stock photography has diminished the use of illustration in modern times, in publishing and especially in advertising. At the...

20 Things You Should Never Say to a Graphic Designer
Yet another list of things you shouldn't say to a graphic designer? This seems to be everyone's favorite way to shed some light on the...

Unintentionally Suggestive Logo Design
My post about logo design generated a lot of responses. It seems to be a topic that interests a lot of people. In order to put together a...

10 words your graphic designer wishes you knew
I don't know if all 10 terms are really vital, but this article by Rebecca Swift at istockphoto.com is a great place to start. Knowing...

Avoiding common logo design mistakes - and what makes an effective logo
My good friend and colleague Dave Jacobsen recently posted a great article on LinkedIn about logo design. It's something that most...

Is a cluttered desk a sign of a creative mind?
Einstein famously said “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Do creative people...

50 reasons not to date a graphic designer
Just in time for Valentine's Day, here are 50 reasons not to date a graphic designer. Like anyone needed more. A lot of these relfect a...